Improve Thyself

Focus on one thing at a time

What is the path to be taken.

Your sole objective is to get from from Point A (here) to Point B (there). Now is the here. The next step is the there.

Keep your attention firm on the path. It is the current step and the next step and repeat.

Nothing else is more relevant or applicable on this journey. You will need to keep doing this for atleast a few years, before you see any tangible benefits.

Yes, you read that right, a few years, if not more.

How do I keep myself on the path, for that long a time frame

Look only at the next step. Nothing beyond that. You have your mantra with you. This is the staff which will give you the support, courage and inner steel to take you along this journey.

Do not despair about the lack of clarity, comfort or a zillion other things which are missing. Just focus on the next step and all will be good.
