Improve Thyself

Exploring Pain

Why am I experiencing pain ? How can I "manage" it better ? Is there any technique, which I can apply ? What can I learn from the pain ?

Not trying to make a listicle here. But the past month has been particularly hard. Nothing life changing, but it does make me stop and think about my attitude towards pain. As an emotion it is like any other, powerful, over powering and yet it can be tamed, dealt with and maybe even enjoyed and triumphed over. Well, thats what the popular lore would like us to believe.

How much money is good and what is the attitude you need to cultivate towards money and other such material rules which society has created to keep all of us deep in till our noses.

Coming back to the main agenda, how to deal with the idea of being an idea person. But Neil G has some thoughts in his essay which say that they are practically worthless. Does it mean, you should not bother to write. So go on, find your mountain, start climbing. You will learn much from it and in the process also serendipitously stumble upon many other surprises. But you need to walk the path.

Go forth soldier.