Improve Thyself

Didn't Expect This One, did you/

You can fight the battle

Choose your battles wisely. There is no animosity in my voice. But you need to pick your battles and enemies in a manner which is not going to jeopardize how badly things could turn out. Should I resign or just make some noise. There is a limit to how much one can lump it.

If you cannot deal with the situation in a way which is not likely to hold water, what can be inferred. That people dont care. Well that can be reciprocated. I'd rather move out of the project and not really mess with the correct issues. Only when problems crop up, people will wake up and drive things in a way which is going to be tough.

Let me throw out the baby along with the bath water. Why should you care? If things dont matter, we can throw it all away and become upset at what needs to be done. Do you want to break this bottle and become agitated. Why are we getting agitated about others not being told what to do. What is the highlight of this movement. Are we not like this only, to be a sucker for going behind the door and fight it out.

Should you merely accept the punches and roll with it. Why can we not do things in a better way. It is good of you to have handled this well but you cannot be made in a way to be the cause of your distress. Should I take a call, to throw the towel and get people to negotiate.

How far do we need to take this case and how should I negotiate with the folks. If nothing can be done, why should I stick to this case for the same reason as before. Will I never get out of this project. How much can I frame the long lives which are being played out.